Pool Safety for Children
A swimming pool is great to have when the weather is nice. Young children are especially attracted to water because of how it sparkles, how it feels, how things float on it, and how it splashes. This attraction can be extremely dangerous. Every year throughout the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont people drown needlessly and children are at the greatest risk. Worse still is the fact that for every fatal drowning, there are up to 4 nonfatal accidents that are serious enough to require hospitalization. However, certain measures in pool safety for children can reduce those threats and keep the pool for what it was intended for – a lot of fun. Here are some pool safety tips to protect your children from the hazards associated with a swimming pool.
Click HERE to learn more and watch a video "Pool Safety Info Every Parent Should Know"
Proper Supervision
This is one of the hardest pool safety tips for people to follow. In today’s world of mobile phones, social media and more, it is very easy to become distracted. Sadly, 69% of drowning fatalities occur when one or both parents were responsible for supervision of the child. Supervision is important, but unfortunately alone, can and does fail.
Pool Safety Fencing
A backyard pool should be completely surrounded by a swimming pool fence. The gate should be self-closing and self-latching/self-locking. The latch or lock should be out of the child’s reach. Consult our pool fencing guidelines to learn more about the general requirements.
Pool Safety Alarms
There are different types of pool safety alarms. Some that install on the doors leading to the pool area that sounds when they are opened. Some pool alarms are triggered when something hits the water, sounding-off on a base installation inside the home. There are also pool alarms worn that may be worn by toddlers or pets that sound off when they are immersed in water. Regardless of the model, an alarm alerts home owners when someone or something has accessed the pool.
Teach Children to Swim
Teaching a child to swim as soon as they can crawl is another necessary preventative measure. At a young age, children are easily distracted and can be disoriented if they fall into the pool, rendering the ability to swim virtually useless. However, as children age, the ability to swim will protect them with greater return.
Learning CPR
Avoiding tragedy is what everyone prefers, however being prepared should it arrive can prevent a small accident from becoming a big one. There should be at least one adult in every household who can swim and perform CPR in the event of a drowning.
Implement Rules
Create a list of home swimming pool rules that everyone must follow.
It is crucial to understand that swimming pool safety isn’t one quick fix. Drowning is preventable through layers of protections. Each measure; a fence, an alarm, swimming lessons, CPR, rules and supervision, alone are not enough. However, combined can lead to a safe and fun season by the pool!
Life Saver Pool Fence Self Closing Gate. Click HERE to know more and watch the video.